Our Data Protection & Privacy Policy


All our patients are asked to provide contact details and medical information at their first consultation. The information we hold includes the following:

Contact Information:

  • Title
  • First Name & Surname
  • Home/Mobile Phone Number
  • Home Address
  • Email Address
  • Emergency Contact Details
  • GP Contact Details

Medical Information

  • Date of Birth
  • Marital Status
  • Occupation
  • Sex
  • Number of Children
  • Health Concerns / Medical History
  • Medicines / Supplements Currently Taken
  • Allergies
  • Other Treatments Being Received

You can see the all the information that we ask for in our patient record form.


Your contact information will be used to stay in touch with you regarding your treatment with us. If you wish for herbal medicine to be delivered to you, your contact details will be passed to our suppliers in order to fulfil your order.


Your medical information will be used as part of your diagnosis and treatment plan and will be kept in your medical record. We will not share your medical record with other companies unless you give us your permission to.


All healthcare professionals and staff must comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. This covers the collection, storage, processing and disclosure of your personal information. Your information is strictly private and confidential.

Your confidential information is used and viewed only by healthcare professionals and staff associated with the running of this clinic and only where necessary for your treatment. Communication with another healthcare professional outside of the clinic will not happen without your consent or unless required by law.


We will keep your medical records for 10 years since your last visit. After this we will destroy your contact and medical information. Your information is stored on computers that have limited access measures via usernames and passwords. We use biometrics where possible. When transmitted digitally, your information is encrypted during both storage and transmission using a minimum of 128-bit key encryption. We do not store payment information.


To protect your privacy, our professional codes of conduct stipulates that we are not permitted to approach patients directly who we may see in public and that we must wait to be approached by patients themselves.

Our Cookie Policy


What are Cookies?

To comply with the law, we must explain a little bit about how we use cookies. We aren't talking about the tasty chocolate chip variety; we're talking about little text files. Cookies are not dangerous and cannot be used to circulate viruses.

Most websites that you visit use cookies. A cookie is a harmless little text file that is downloaded to your computer. Cookies enable a website to ‘remember’ you, either for the duration of your visit or for repeat visits. 

We use cookies only where they are strictly necessary for the provision of this website service. We comply with the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 and do not need to ask for your consent.

What's in a Cookie?

A cookie is a harmless little text file stored on your device. It contains some anonymous information such as a unique identifier and the site name, and some digits and numbers. Any cookies that we use will not identify you personally; they consist of statistical information. This statistical data does not identify any personal information. 

About the Cookies

This website uses two cookies. One is a tracking cookie called ss_lastvisit to allow us to determine if a website visitor is unique. The second tells us you've seen our cookie consent message. If you have, it prevents the message from appearing for another 14 days.

Can I Block Cookies?

We don't recommend that you block cookies because they help you to get the most out of our website, but we take the law seriously and want to ensure that your privacy concerns are addressed. If you do want to stop cookies being stored on your device, you'll need to change the settings of your internet browser. These settings will affect all websites that use cookies. You can find browser-by-browser instructions at AboutCookies.org

Please note that if you do choose to disable cookies, you may find that certain sections of our website do not work properly.

Where can I read your privacy policy?

You can read our full privacy policy by following the link below.

Privacy Policy

To contact us about your data, remove your consent or to request that your data is destroyed please email us at privacy@acupunctureandherbs.co.uk.