Lily Lai, PhD - Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine in Altrincham, Greater Manchester, Cheshire

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April 27th: Changes to Dispensing of Chinese Herbal Medicine

Patients registered with the clinic will already be aware that changes to the EU directive that come into force from 1st May 2011 mean that there will be some minor changes to the way Greg and Lily dispense herbs from the practice.

Herbs prescribed from Greg and Lily will no longer be sent directly to patients and you will be asked to pick these up from the clinic.  Greg and Lily, as always, will endeavour to be accommodating with regards to availability for picking up herbal medicines to ensure that these new arrangements cause as little inconvenience as possible to patients, both current and future.  

Herbs will otherwise be available as usual on a prescription basis and with regular consultations and follow-ups with either Greg or Lily.  If you have any questions in the meantime about the new arrangements, please do not hesitate to get in touch with either Greg or Lily who will be more than happy to answer your queries.