What is Acupressure?
Acupressure uses massage and pressure to stimulate acupuncture points instead of needling as in acupuncture. This are usually stimulated with finger or palm pressure, or with vaccaria acupressure pads - very small plasters applied to specific acupuncture points in the ear or in the body.
Because acupressure doesn't use needles, it's a great alternative for children, those who are not suited to needling or those who need additional stimulation of acupressure points in between acupuncture treatments.
In our clinical experience, acupressure can be beneficial for symptoms such as:
Tension-type headaches
Preparation for labour and during labour for pain relief and progression of labour
Sinus problems and rhinitis
Nausea and vomiting such as in pregnancy, motion sickness or chemotherapy-related
Sleeplessness and anxiety disorders
For expectant parents who are interested in finding out more about using acupressure for birth preparation and during labour, we offer a specialist support session online. During this session, you will be coached acupressure massage techniques to prepare the mum’s body for labour and for use throughout the stages of labour. For more information, please visit our Treatment Prices page.