Supplementary Therapies

What are supplementary therapies?

Our supplementary therapies complement our core treatments of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and are great ways of enhancing the overall effect of these treatments. Some therapies are provided alongside your main treatment, whilst others may be additional exercises and lifestyle changes that we recommend you carry out at home to promote wellbeing.  

Ear Acupuncture & Ear-seed Acupressure

Ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture uses very small needles to stimulate specific points on the ear.  Because of how simple it is to administer the treatment, ear acupuncture is offered in a number of different settings such as:

  • Recovery from addictions such as drug, alcohol, smoking

  • During IVF treatment, especially on the day of embryo transfer

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder including for military personnel 

Ear-seed acupressure is commonly used alongside acupuncture or herbal medicine and stimulates the same points as in ear-acupuncture but without needle insertion. Instead, small adhesive plasters containing the herbal seed vaccaria are placed onto a number of points in your ear.  

Chinese Dietary Therapy

Meals play a key role in your wellbeing.  This is clearly linked with the quality and nature of your food but we also emphasise the importance of how you are eating too - is it often on the go, or is it irregular because of shiftwork?  

We categorise everyday foods according to their properties and characteristics in Chinese medicine.  Like other aspects of our treatments, any dietary advice we offer is always tailored to you and will take into consideration what your food preferences are or what practical barriers there might be.  

Gua Sha

This treatment involves stimulation of acupuncture points and meridians using a jade bar.  This is a deeper form of acupressure and causes the skin to feel warm such as following cupping treatment.  In China, gua sha is used to stimulate the immune system such as in the prevention or treatment of common cold and coughs, or for painful conditions such as osteoarthritis and headaches.  

Qi Gong Relaxation and Breathing Exercises

Qi Gong literally means 'breathing technique' and co-ordinates concentration and meditation with controlled breathing to help calm the mind and reduce stress.  There are a wide range of Qi Gong exercises that we prescribe for reducing stress and for maintaining health and which are easy to learn and simple to carry out.