14th November: Can you help provide feedback for a website about PCOS Chinese medicine research?

We will shortly be conducting a study in Hertfordshire and in London as part of my PhD into Chinese herbal medicine for a common female reproductive hormonal condition called poplycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).  This study is being led by a team of researchers that includes myself and who are affiliated with the University of Southampton.

In the last few months, we have been asking for feedback about our study website which aims to provide information about the study to those who may be interested in taking part.  We have had some very useful feedback so far about the site and have already made a number of changes which have included the following:

  • Improving on the clarity of some of the answers to our Frequently Asked Questions sections
  • Making links to other websites embedded within the text clearer by altering the font colour
  • Including some more Frequently Asked Questions

This feedback has been extremely useful and we would still very much like to hear from you if you have a spare moment to help review our website for us.  The website can be accessed by clicking on the Orchid Study and you can provide feedback by emailing us directly on:


Anyone can help and you don't have to have PCOS in order to give us constructive feedback, so please do get in touch if you can.

Thank you in advance for all your comments!

Posted by Lily Lai.

3rd December: A sad farewell to Karen


13th October: Singapore and speaking to Chinese medicine practitioners about my study!