29th August 2012: Thank you to our patients for their research input!

As some of you know, Lily is currently doing her PhD on using Chinese herbs for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).  We will be starting a clinical study in London and in Hertfordshire this Winter time and as part of the trial, we will be giving leaflets to potential participants so that they can read more information about the study before deciding whether or not to join.  In order to make sure that the leaflets explain the study clearly and generally make sense, we asked patients and members of the public for their feedback.

On behalf of the study team at the University of Southampton, Lily would like to thank all those who helped.  Your comments and suggestions have been used to improve the clarity of the information and we have been really encouraged to have had such a positive response from all patients (and non-patients!) attending the clinic.

To keep track about Lily's research study, she is currently setting up a distribution list for patients and practitioners who are interested in receiving updates about the study.  If you would like to be added to this mailing list, please do get in touch!  Otherwise, watch this space as Lily will be posting updates along the way.

Posted by Lily Lai.

7th September: Do you want to read the latest Acupuncture news?


4th July 2012: Women with three or more failed IVF attempts could benefit from Chinese herbs in future IVF cycles, results from a Japanese study suggest