Research opportunity for acupuncturists, physiotherapists and osteopaths!

Please see below details of a large research study on back pain that is being organised by researchers at the University of Southampton and by practitioners of acupuncture, physiotherapy and osteopathy:

Take part in ground-breaking research into low back pain treatment!

Non-specific Mechanisms in Orthodox and Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) Management of Low Back Pain

University of Southampton researchers are inviting private sector and NHS acupuncturists, physiotherapists and osteopaths to participate in a large questionnaire study, funded by Arthritis Research UK.  It is being supported by Acupuncturist Dr Hugh MacPherson and Osteopath Dr Janine Leach from NCOR.

We are investigating the effects of attitudes, therapeutic relationships and clinic environments on lower back pain treatments. 

This study represents an opportunity for acupuncturists, physiotherapists and osteopaths to take part in ground-breaking research which will contribute to best practice guidelines and represents a real opportunity to learn more about how we can make our treatments for back pain as potent as possible.

Practitioners will be asked to:

1)      Invite patients attending their clinic with lower back pain to take part by giving them an information pack.

2)      Answer 1 question about each eligible patient

3)      Answer a short questionnaire three months after the patient’s first treatment session (about the patient’s adherence to treatment and therapeutic modalities used).

Practitioners will be paid £15 for each recruited patient and can perform their treatments as they normally would.

Please note that Acupuncturists should:

  1. Be registered and/or trained with the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC)
  2. See at least one person per week with low back pain - this includes patients returning due to a flare up
  3. Have at least three years' experience with musculoskeletal pain. 

To find out more please email Ms Miznah Al-Abbadey (

or telephone: 023 8059 1942

Posted by Lily Lai.

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