3rd August 2015: Acupuncture and healthcare insurance

Did you know that acupuncture treatments with Lily are covered by a number of private health insurance companies?  

As a registered acupuncturist with the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ATCM), treatments with Lily are reimbursed by the following medical insurance companies:

This list is not exhaustive as insurance companies will update cover policies to reflect increasing popularity of treatments such as acupuncture.  Before embarking on any treatments, please contact your insurance company regarding your individual policy as most companies will have restrictions on how many treatments they will pay for, or may require you to be referred by your consultant or GP.  

Lily is happy to provide treatment receipts and any other documentation required by your insurance company to process your claim - just be sure to mention that you will need a receipt at the end of your treatment!

Posted by Lily Lai.

MedicX is Now Speedwell Pharmacy


April 2015: Lily is currently on leave