It Is Your Week. National Fertility Awareness Week.
National Fertility Awareness Week is Monday 30th October - Sunday 5th November 2017.
National Fertility Awareness week aims on helping the many people that face fertility issues and hopes to change the perception of fertility issues in our community. This year is the 40th anniversary of IVF and is therefore a great opportunity to raise awareness of IVF, challenge taboos about fertility and to continue to dispel the myths and misconceptions around IVF.
Fertility Network UK are running a great campaign this year to celebrate National Fertility Awareness Week and using #TalkFertility #IVFis40 #FertilityFellas #IVFGoldStandard to promote online conversations. Check out their website to find out more about the different activities, information and support that they provide as well as how to get involved in their fund raising activities.
As part of National Fertility Awareness Week I am going to be posting short snippets of fertility related information on Twitter, Facebook and via this blog. I hope that you all join in the conversation and if you're interested in finding out more about acupuncture and IVF please do get in touch and I'd be happy to speak further with you.
Debunking Fertility Myths - Provided By Fertility Network UK.
“Research has suggested that acupuncture can be helpful for different aspects of fertility which are relevant to IVF such as improving blood flow to the ovary, supporting growth of endometrium, improving wellbeing and supporting relaxation too.
Many of my patients are interested in using acupuncture to support them during IVF especially since research emerged in 2016 from Homerton University Hospital which suggested that women undergoing acupuncture achieved pregnancy rates of 46.2% versus 21.7% amongst women who had not undergone treatment.
For couples looking to IVF, my recommendation is to where possible, start acupuncture three months prior to their IVF cycle to get the most benefit. ”