Acupuncture treatments and private health insurance companies

Did you know that traditional Acupuncture is covered by a number of health insurance companies?

Lily is a member of the Association of Traditional Chinese medicine (ATCM), a professional organisation for Chinese medicine practitioners and this is also an organisation member of the British Acupuncture Federation (BAF). Some health insurance companies cover acupuncture treatment and patients will be able to claim either all of the amount, or a certain amount, back from sessions.

Before booking in for your first session, please check that your insurance provider is able to cover treatment from Lily - this means checking that they accept provision from Lily as a member of either the ATCM or BAF. Don’t forget to clarify the amount that you are able to claim back for as well so that you can work out how many sessions you will be covered for.

Which providers are currently accepting acupuncture treatments provided by ATCM or BAF?

We’re delighted that the list of providers covering Lily as an ATCM and BAF member has been expanding in recent years as acupuncture has become increasingly recognised for a range of conditions. Below is a list of providers that accept traditional acupuncture treatments from Lily:

Benenden Health

Birmingham Hospital Saturday Fund

CS Healthcare (merged with BUPA in 2021, please check cover with your current policy)

Equips ME

The Exeter

Freedom Health Care

General & Medical Healthcare


HSF Health Plan


National Friendly


Simply Health

Sovereign Health Care

UK HealthCare


Please make sure you check your policy details as individual cover can differ within the same provider. Also bear in mind that the terms and conditions imposed on policies can change from time to time so whilst the above list has been correct as of August 2023, it’s a good idea to check the cover you have by contacting your insurance provider.

How do the payments work?

After you have paid for your session with Lily, simply ask for a receipt and this will be sent to you with the necessary details, including Lily’s registration details. You can then forward this onto your health insurance company directly to be reimbursed the cost of the sessions. It’s as easy as that!

If you’re covered with your provider, speak to Lily today and get your health back on track with the support of Acupuncture!

Posted by Lily Lai.

Wishing everyone a very happy festive break and a happy new year!


Managing your gut health naturally with hypnotherapy and acupuncture: Workshop at the Garden Eatery, Hale