Acupuncture, Wellbeing, Gut health, Microbiome Lily Lai Acupuncture, Wellbeing, Gut health, Microbiome Lily Lai

Managing your gut health naturally with hypnotherapy and acupuncture: Workshop at the Garden Eatery, Hale

Lily and hypnotherapy expert Judi Quirke are delighted to announce that they will be hosting an informative power hour of a workshop on managing your gut health naturally with hypnotherapy and acupuncture. Save the date: Tuesday 26th September 6pm - 7.30pm at the Garden Eatery in Hale. See you there!

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Lily Lai Lily Lai

Acupuncture for IVF

How does acupuncture help with IVF and when should I have treatment? Find out more from Lily Lai, PhD who has more than 17 years' experience in the field.

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