Acupuncture For Fertility And Miscarriage Support - A Couple's Dream Baby Comes True!
A case study on Acupuncture for fertility in Altrincham, Manchester. Expert practitioner Lily Lai, PhD talks about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine helped this couple overcome miscarriage, ovarian cysts and irregular cycles to finally become proud parents to a beautiful baby girl.
Research Update: Lily's research on Chinese herbal medicine and polycystic ovary syndrome now published in BMJ Open
Lily's research into the use of Chinese herbal medicine for polycystic ovary syndrome is now published in BMJ Open!
Happy holidays everyone!
It's that time of the year again and festive celebrations and excessive chocolate eating are definitely in full swing here at the clinic!
Here are just a few things to note about our opening hours over the festive period, and last order dates.