Emotional Flatness & Depression

"When I first started seeing Lily, I felt completely emotional, flat, and depressed. After the first session of Acupuncture I felt exhausted but could feel as if my layers were being pulled back to find out what was wrong and get it sorted. After a few more session I started to feel happier, more positive and more in control of my emotions.

Lily has taught me to relax, control and be aware of my stress levels. I now finally feel emotionally and physically ready to have a baby. I am a completely different person from the emotional and unhappy person I was when I first saw Lily.

Lily has influenced me to review all aspects of my life. I have changed my lifestyle, diet and expectations from life and myself. Thank you!! I feel fantastic!!!"

Anonymous, 31, Studham

Posted by Lily Lai.

Smoking Cravings


Stomach Reflux