Fertility, IVF, Miscarriage

I contacted Lily after my husband and I had been trying to conceive for nearly three years and had decided to try IVF after being diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility'. During the three years we had one natural pregnancy, which ended in a missed miscarriage at nearly ten weeks. I had read that acupuncture could increase the likely success of fertility treatment and found Lily's details when searching for a local acupuncturist with expertise in supporting IVF.

I had weekly acupuncture sessions for three months prior to the IVF, and fairly intensively during the treatment. We were absolutely delighted when our very first cycle was successful, and we also had six good quality embryos to freeze. Having had a miscarriage previously, I was very nervous about the pregnancy, and continued having weekly acupuncture sessions until our twelve week scan confirmed a healthy pregnancy. 

As well as her expertise in acupuncture, I found Lily to have a great understanding of the overall IVF process, and found it very helpful to discuss my treatment with her as it progressed. We now have a gorgeous six month old son, and I am sure Lily's sessions played a big role in ensuring the success of our treatment - thank you!

Posted by Lily Lai.



Morning Sickness For 6-8 Weeks