Setting health goals for 2020?
It’s that time of the year where many of us take stock and think about what we’d like to accomplish for our health and wellbeing in the coming new year. And if you’re looking for support to achieve your health goals from experts in natural health, you’ve come to the right place!
When worry takes over: Acupuncture and generalised anxiety disorder
Lily talks about Generalised Anxiety Disorder, how Acupuncture can help and other top tips for helping yourself.
Easter Is Coming
With Easter just around the corner Lily provides 3 top tips for staying healthy over the Easter break as well a few important dates for your diary.
Introducing MyHealth: New resource by patients for patients
Lily is launching a new blogpost series called MyHealth in April 2017 and we would love to have your input in building this up. Please read on for more information!
Daily Mindfulness. When Less Can Mean More.
In this blog I’ll lay out a few handy tips on how small changes can be the key to successfully being a little more mindful each day.