Inducing labour (10 Days)

"I was pregnant and overdue by ten days - my midwife had informed me that if my waters did not break then I would have to be induced. I really wanted to have as natural a childbirth as possible and decided to turn to acupuncture with Lily.

I was in a very anxious state but Lily really calmed me down and talked everything through before going ahead with the treatment. I'm very pleased to say that 7 hours after the acupuncture treatment, I went into labour and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl! Thank you once again for all your help!"

A very happy mother, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Endometriosis, Bad Period Pains and Fertility

"I had been diagnosed with endometriosis and was experiencing bad period pains as well as having trouble conceiving. I received weekly acupuncture treatments with moxibustion which helped reduce my period pains and also helped to calm me down. Lily is very nice and friendly – she always gave me a listening ear whenever I wanted to talk unlike most practitioners. I would say Lily’s treatments were quite positive - the service was excellent and the treatment room was neat and had a relaxing atmosphere."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Fertility & Morning Sickness

"We had been trying for a baby for four months before I decided to book in for an appointment with Lily. I wanted the treatments to balance my hormones to help with fertility but also wanted help for my general wellbeing. During the course of treatment, I received Acupuncture, Ear-seed Acupressure, Moxibustion and Chinese Herbal Medicine. After each session with Lily, I felt more relaxed. She is very professional, approachable and thorough, always explaining clearly what each session would involve. I also found her website very informative and professional. All in all, it has been a very positive experience for me. Now that I am pregnant, I will continue to see Lily to help with the inevitable morning sickness!"


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Prolonged Heavy Periods & Tiredness

"For over a year before I saw Lily for acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine I had suffered from prolonged and heavy periods and tiredness - I'd lost my spark! I was encouraged to make my first appointment from the professional website. Lily's treatments were always very comfortable. Her whole personality and demeanor meant that I opened up to her very quickly and yet she was still very professional. All the ailments I visited Lily for improved significantly."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Inducing labour (9 Days)

I came to Lily pregnant and nine days overdue hoping to have my baby without the use of drugs. I was new to Acupuncture but Lily explained everything well. Following my Acupuncture treatment with Lily I went into labour 3 hours later! I did not have to be induced and so was able to have a natural birth and use a birthing pool. Thank you Lily!"

Anonymous, Berkhamsted

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Posted by Lily Lai.

I came to Lily for treatment for Amenorrhoea (absence of periods) which I had had for twelve months, general wellbeing and specifically for fertility. I found the Acupuncture session great for relaxation and a sense of wellbeing afterwards. I am also better aware of my sleeping pattern. Lily has also given advice on lifestyle and diet for general wellbeing and fertility which I have now made adjustments to. Combined with traditional medicine, I now have a feeling of being more in control and now have regular periods and ovulations.

I have had a very positive treatment and experience from regularly attending sessions with Lily"

Zoë, 27, Berkhamsted

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Fertility, IVF, Miscarriage

I contacted Lily after my husband and I had been trying to conceive for nearly three years and had decided to try IVF after being diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility'. During the three years we had one natural pregnancy, which ended in a missed miscarriage at nearly ten weeks. I had read that acupuncture could increase the likely success of fertility treatment and found Lily's details when searching for a local acupuncturist with expertise in supporting IVF.

I had weekly acupuncture sessions for three months prior to the IVF, and fairly intensively during the treatment. We were absolutely delighted when our very first cycle was successful, and we also had six good quality embryos to freeze. Having had a miscarriage previously, I was very nervous about the pregnancy, and continued having weekly acupuncture sessions until our twelve week scan confirmed a healthy pregnancy. 

As well as her expertise in acupuncture, I found Lily to have a great understanding of the overall IVF process, and found it very helpful to discuss my treatment with her as it progressed. We now have a gorgeous six month old son, and I am sure Lily's sessions played a big role in ensuring the success of our treatment - thank you!

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Fertility, Bad Skin and Cough

Hi Lily,

I don’t know if you remember that I came to see you a few times earlier in the year regarding trying to get pregnant and also my bad skin and bad cough. I just wanted to let you know that I am now 16 weeks pregnant, my skin is completely clear and I have not had a cough since coming to see you! So thank you very much.. I will definitely recommend you to my friends!

With very best wishes and grateful thanks!'

A now proud mum to a beautiful baby boy.

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Posted by Lily Lai.
PMS, Painful Periods & Depression

I've really suffered with PMS symptoms, in particular from painful periods and depression, for a long time now - more than five years.  I've tried medication, magnets, herbal remedies and modifying my diet but it wasn't quite enough.  I became interested in trying Acupuncture and found that Lily was local to me and was fully qualified.  Her treatments were incredibly relaxing and my PMS symptoms are relieved! The service I received from Lily was EXCELLENT and I would definitely consult Lily if I suffer from any other ailments or illnesses again. 

Thanks and regards,

Mrs R, 32, Kings Langley

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Fertility & Conception

"I initially sought treatment from Lily regarding some infertility issues I had.  I've previously been treated with acupuncture that resulted in a full term pregnancy - I'd suffered with this for roughly three years before conceiving the first time.  We wanted to try for another baby and as previously, acupuncture was again successful for conception.  I had a relaxed and a calm state of mind with the acupuncture treatments - Lily as a practitioner was exceptionally professional and I would also recommend her to friends.

Ms C"

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Posted by Lily Lai.