Headaches & Tiredness

"I came to Lily hoping to find some relief from my headaches and tiredness which I had been suffering from for several months. The acupuncture treatments gave me almost instant release from a lot of pressure and tension in my neck and head. Lily was always very informative, honest and professional."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Headaches, Tiredness & Stress

"Headaches have been a problem for me for 10 years and I had also suffered from tiredness and stress for about a year before I started treatments with Lily. Lily recommended acupuncture and acupressure for my ailments and I embarked on a course of treatments with her. I felt the treatments were designed around me and my ailments and each session was very calming and relaxing. Now my headaches no longer occur as frequently and I feel less stressed and much calmer than before."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

"I had been suffering from RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) for six months before coming to see Lily. As part of my job I spend a large amount of my time using computers and so the RSI was really starting to become a problem for me. I had heard that Acupuncture was particularly effective for RSI and so decided to try it for the first time. I was very impressed with Lily's treatments as she was very gentle and happy to answer my many questions. As well as Acupuncture, Lily suggested that Moxibustion would be effective. I was quite skeptical at first to have the treatment but found it to actually be quite relaxing.

After only a couple of treatments I noticed that the pain was much reduced and after a few more the pain had totally gone. Lily also suggested changes in my working habits to stop the RSI returning, and I am thankful to say that so far I am free of RSI!. Thank you Lily!"

Anonymous, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Kidney Shooting Pains

"Thank you Lily for treating me over the last 6 months. Having been a skeptic of acupuncture and quite nervous about the whole thing, your professional manner, caring nature and knowledge of chinese medicine has really helped me to relax during treatments.

Having come to you for shooting pains in my Kidneys, you managed to not only cure the pains, but also help relieve a lot of the tension in my lower back. It has made a real difference to me day to day, and to think that just a few needles could help me so dramatically is wonderful!"

Anonymous, 26, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Refractory Headache - Non Hodgkins Lymphoma

"I had suffered from refractory headache due to damage from Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma since October 2004. The Acupuncture treatment gave me relief from the trigeminal neuralgia type pain in my left ear which has remained pain free.

I found Lily's manner very friendly and professional. She was interested in my complaint and keen to bring about a positive outcome. I found the website very helpful in terms of learning more about the different treatments on offer and Lily's background and training."

Katherine, 56, Dunstable

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Joint & Muscle Pain

"I had a lot of un-diagnosed joint and muscle pains since June 2005 (and the doctors thought it might be rheumatoid arthritis but there was a considerable wait to see a specialist). Being very scared of needles I visited Lily as a last resort. The pain killers that the doctors were prescribing were not having any effect and I was desperate. The Osteopath that I visited also thought that it might help.

Lily was very calm and reassuring, explaining exactly what was going to happen. She was very gentle and constantly checked that I was ok.

Within five days of my first treatment I was able to walk up stairs without crying and I also stopped taking the pain killers.

At a later date I mentioned some digestive problems and these are much better now after one treatment. I also do not sleep very well and get headaches but these are now gradually improving. I have also had an acupressure treatment which I found wonderfully relaxing."

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Back Pain

"I have suffered from lower back pain for approximately one year. I have received Acupuncture and Cupping from Lily. My energy levels have increased and my toe pains are also much better. I found Lily to be very professional, hygienic and caring. "

Anonymous, 52, Watford

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Unexplained Infertility & Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET/FERC)

"My husband and I fell into the 'unknown infertility' diagnosis.  We had been trying to conceive since 2002 and I came round to the idea of trying acupuncture in 2007.

Acupuncture seemed to be one of the alternative medicines that could offer help with fertility problems.  Having looked on the internet for acupuncture I noted that Lily was a member of the Acupuncture Fertility Network and her thorough training gave me the confidence that she has indepth knowledge and experience rather than a quick qualification. 

Having being treated by Lily for 4 months I found the whole acupunture experience fascinating.  After a number of years trying to get pregnant including 3 failed IUI's and 2 failed IVF cycles, I am convinced that combining acupunture with a drug free frozen embryo transfer is the reason that I became pregnant with twins.  Now we are parents to two healthy baby girls.

Lily is very professional and easy to open up to.  As fertility treatment is a specialist area for Lily it was comforting and reassuring to deal with someone who understood the medical terminology and could ask relevent questions necessary for my treatment. I would not hesitate to recomend Lily to others or to visit Lily again for any other problems that I may have in the future.

I was treated by Lily for about 4 months an found that an additional benefit of the treatment was an improvement in the blood circulation to my hands - especially the fingers and to my feet which normally suffered from the cold in the winter months.  I also found moxibustion to be very relaxing!"

Anita, 38, Watford.

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Infertility & IVF

"My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 3 years.  I decided to try acupuncture following an article released in the BMJ showing an association with increased success rates of IVF alongside acupuncture.  I also wanted to use it for relaxation.  

My IVF worked first time!  I found the sessions very relaxing - it was good to have some time out.  Lily was also a fantastic listener!"

Mrs C, Harpenden

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Miscarriage, Ovarian Cyst and Fertility

"Prior to seeing Lily, I had suffered from a miscarriage which resulted in irregular periods.  I also had ovarian cysts over a period of 2-3 months before I had my first appointment with Lily.  

I wanted to try to conceive again following my miscarriage but was advised to put this on hold whilst I waited for the cysts to shrink.  I was advised to wait for 3 months and decided to contact Lily to see if Chinese medicine could shrink the cysts without waiting for the whole 3 months.  I also wanted to get my cycles regular so that I could try again and also to try and stop another miscarriage.

Within 3 months, the ovarian cysts shrank and I had this confirmed by having a scan.  My cycles reverted back to 28 days and I was pregnant within 3 months of starting the Chinese medicine.  I stayed on the medication until I was 17 weeks pregnant which I feel went a long way to help avoid a miscarriage.

I liked the consultations as Lily involved my input into the treatments and we therefore made joint decisions on how to proceed, taking into considering my preferences and also what would be easy for me to achieve/adhere to.  Thanks for all your help Lily."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Infertility (3 Years) & Stress

"A friend had just started treatments with Lily to treat her infertility and recommended her.  I had tried acupuncture before and hadn't been very comfortable with the practitioner but decided to try Lily anyway.

Lily was extremely professional from the very start. I felt she really cared about her work and her patients, and was very understanding and very thorough. She told me I would need at least 12 treatments - by the 9th week, I was pregnant!

The treatments made me feel better generally, my periods improved immediately as did my basal body temperatures.  It was an added benefit that she is a good listener and helped me work through the stress the infertility had caused.

I cannot recommend Lily highly enough, she helped me all through my pregnancy and I am sure the lifestyle changes she recommended helped me get pregnancy again very quickly - I now have two lovely boys!"

Mrs D, Aylesbury.

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Hormonal Imbalance & Thyroid and Liver Condition

"I have been suffering with the symptoms of my thyroid and liver condition for approximately three years now. I'd read a Zita West book about the benefits for people trying to conceive and was interested in trying acupuncture out.

I have experienced a feeling of calmness and relaxation from the acupuncture.  I also have better sleep and less anxiety as well as an uplifted mood. I've been impressed with the alternative information and advice that Lily's give me, extra to what my doctor may give me.  I like the ways she advises me to help myself with my lifestyle and diet.

I am even more impressed by how professional and how relevant the treatment and information from Lily is this time from when I last saw her 2 years ago."

Mrs D, Berkhamsted.

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Menopause & Diarrhoea

"I've been going through the menopause since 2006 and also started suffering with diarrhoea since February 2006. I tried conventional treatments and was not keen on a regime of taking drugs so I decided to try acupuncture and Chinese herbs with Lily. After the course of treatment, I was sleeping a lot better, had less hot flushes, my concentration improved, my mood lifted and my diarrhoea reduced."

Mrs O, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
IVF Support

"I was given Lily's phone number after a friend had recommended her when she herself was going through fertility treatment with Lily. I was going to have my third and final attempt of IVF treatment and had read about acupuncture being helpful alongside it. I was getting a lot of anxiety on the run up to the treatment cycle and also because I knew in the back of my mind that this would be the last attempt my husband and I would go through.

Lily was fantastically supportive throughout the treatment cycle and offered alot of insight and extra advice which the consultants had not mentioned in my previous IVF treatments. I felt completely looked after and calmer with the acupuncture treatments. She also had to work some very long hours for me to fit me in and I am really pleased to say that the hard work has paid off because now I'm pregnant, just confirmed with the scan! All the thank yous in the world are not enough - so I hope the flowers make a good start! I'll be in touch!"

Anonymous, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Morning Sickness

"I was pregnant and suffering from morning sickness. I didn't want to try medication and decided to book for Acupuncture with Lily. I found that the nausea was more manageable and at times there was also lessening of the vomiting."


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Posted by Lily Lai.