
"My eczema has been around since birth but it had gotten particularly bad which prompted me to seek help. My skin greatly improved as a result of the acupuncture treatments with Lily. She was a great listener and gave really good advice, helping me to review my lifestyle."

Leigh, Berkhamsted

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Posted by Lily Lai.

"I'd been diagnosed with costochondritis which I'd been suffering with for 2-3 weeks. My doctor recommended it as did my osteopath for my symptoms.

My healing was speeded up with the acupuncture.  The pain was reduced over the course of 2 treatments.  This was particularly useful as the costochondritis was in both ribs and I could not take any anti-inflammatories to speed up the healing.

My treatment was very thorough and very relaxing considering how much pain I was in at the time. I would thoroughly recommend acupuncture with Lily."

Mrs M, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Back Pain (Fractured Vertebra)

"I had acupuncture before some years ago for damaged muscles and was very pleased with the results. About 18 months ago, I fractured my vertebra and developed back pain as a consequence. After Lily's treatments, I was in a lot less pain and felt much more relaxed. Lily is such a lovely person, immediately puts one at ease and does her utmost to help with one's problems. It's a really nice friendly atmosphere, I'd recommend her to anyone."

Mrs M

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Posted by Lily Lai.

"I suffer with migraines on a weekly basis for years - possibly 14 years. I had tried acupuncture before for different medical issues so when my migraines became unbearable I thought I'd give it a go. The headaches stopped completely. I've been so depressed by them (my migraines) before. I felt so much better within myself and am now hopeful that I can live a pain-free existence. "

Miss G, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Shoulder Pain

"I was getting pain in my shoulder for the last 6 months. It was getting really painful to work and desperately needed to get it sorted out. A friend had highly recommended I try acupuncture with Lily. I had four sessions and it completely stopped my pain. I'm back at work now Lily! Don't worry, I'm being good and listening to your advice. At least I know where to come back to if it plays up again. Thanks again, will definitely be recommending you!"


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Back Pain

"I have already tried most other treatments for my back pain that I'd had for 15 plus years and a friend recommended Lily. The first course of 3 treatments I had with Lily were very good with more painless movement in the back than I had had for years! After that the pain returns, and now I just go when required as I believe it's about pain management, rather than a fix!!"

Mr B, Biggleswade

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Posted by Lily Lai.

"My doctor diagnosed me with tendonitis which I had had for over 10 years. I wanted to avoid taking painkillers because of the side effects so went for acupuncture. I experienced a reduction in pain and better sleep after the treatments with Lily. Service was excellent and would recommend her to friends."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Rheumatoid Arthritis & Emotions

"I've been having acupuncture for 25 years so when my regular acupuncturist moved away, I decided to continue my treatments with Lily. The acupuncture and herbal treatments focussed on my rheumatoid arthritis (suffered with this for over 25 years) and also my emotional state after bereavement 6 months prior. I get a general sense of wellbeing from the treatments and helps with me emotionally."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Neck & Back Pain

"I had read articles about acupuncture saying that it was very beneficial to neck and back pain so I decided to give it a go. I've been getting neck stiffness and pain and back pain for 10 years now. I also got headaches and felt sick with the pains. After the treatments with Lily, my headaches stopped, my muscles loosened and the pain had decreased - I generally felt a lot better after the treatments."

Miss B, Berkhamsted

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Tennis Elbow

"I got tennis elbow as a result of my job - I'm a self-employed tiler so I can't usually rest my arm for long periods of time to let it heal by itself. I have had 7 Acupuncture treatments with Lily to date and my arm feels much less heavy and achey. It doesn't hurt anymore to hold onto things and lift with my right hand. I'll definitely be coming back for topups!"

Anonymous, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Frozen Shoulder

"I was diagnosed with frozen shoulder by my GP in January and had been advised to have steroidal injections. I wanted the injection as a last resort and thought I would give acupuncture a try.

Lily gave me acupuncture and moxibustion during the four sessions that I had with her. My range of motion increased by 90% and my pain disappeared. I still get the odd twinge now and again but nothing like it was before. Admittedly I was a complete cynic before but it really worked for me and now I’m a total believer!"

Mr W, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Knee Pain

"I’d suffered from horrendous pain in my knees for over three months due to an injury which was affecting my sleep at night as well as general quality of life because it hurt so much to walk. I had tried acupuncture before for my pains with much success and I decided to try a course of acupuncture with Lily whilst I was placed on a waiting list for physio treatment.

My knee pain showed signs of improvement from the first acupuncture treatment and by the end of the course of treatments (I received 6), my pain had significantly reduced and my sleep was much more restful. I’ve been very happy with the care I’ve been under – Lily is a great listener and was very professional throughout the treatments I had with her. Every penny spent has been worth it to get my life back on track."

Anonymous, Berkhamsted

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Elbow Pain and Post-Operative Recovery

"When I first went to Lily, I wanted to seek treatment for elbow pain which was affecting my neck and shoulders. The acupuncture helped provide some easing of pain which improved my elbow pain. Lily had a calming manner about her and the treatment room was very relaxing – and warmed especially for me! At a later date, I also sought help for post-operative / anaesthetic rebalancing which I found very beneficial."

Ms T, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.

"I'd been suffering from sciatica for 10 years when I decided to try acupuncture. I came to see Lily who advised me to try a course of electro-acupuncture and acupressure treatments. Over the course of treatment, I experienced immediate relief from my symptoms and a reduction of overall pain level. Lily always explained to me the treatments and her interpretation of other tests such as examination of the tongue and pulse readings. She was exceptionally caring throughout the treatments and was always on hand to respond to any reaction and to adjust the treatments accordingly."

Geoff, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.