
"I had had insomnia for two years and I didn'’t want to go down the biomedical route. I had read about the success of acupuncture in the treatment of insomnia and decided to book in with Lily for Acupuncture.

After 5 sessions of Acupuncture my sleeping did improve. I was also benefiting from the sensible lifestyle/dietary advice Lily gave me. Once my sleeping problem had been '‘sorted'’ I continued to consult Lily for relaxation and stress relief treatments with Acupressure.

I really value Lily'’s professionalism '– she has helped me overcome an '‘intractable'’ problem. She is very friendly and personable, and it has been a real pleasure to see her. I value her treatments as well as her advice."

Miss A, 34, Berkhamsted

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)

"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (also known as ME) has been part of my life for over 10 years and I’d recently had a pretty bad spell with a complete depletion of energy levels, poor sleep, headaches and digestive problems. Lily had been recommended to me by a friend and I was keen to try anything that would be able to offer me relief from any of my symptoms.

I received acupuncture treatments over the course of three months and began to notice gradual improvements in my wellbeing. My energy levels were more stable – I still had my low days (it’s all a rollercoaster ride!) but generally, they were levelling out a lot more and I was starting to find myself being able to plan things in advance because I knew I would be able to have enough energy for the day. My sleep was also less disturbed and less restless and my anxiety levels stabilised a lot more.

For me, the changes were slow but definitely present and I still come to Lily for occasional sessions just to check on how things are going. Lily is a very caring and attentive practitioner - I am so glad my friend passed me her number! I would not hesitate to recommend Lily to other CFS/ME sufferers or others seeking acupuncture treatments."

Anonymous, Hertfordshire

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Low Energy Levels

"I had had acupuncture before for energy levels and felt that my issues were more holistic than focused on one particular problem. So when I experienced another bout of low energy, I went to see Lily.

Lily'’s young wisdom and the idea that you can change your habits bit by bit and not expect yourself to radically change all at once works. The acupuncture itself gave me a certain amount of energy and my tongue is still looking very healthy!"


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Depression & Anxiety

"I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for several years and was on a lot of medication from the doctors. But I was still finding every day an uphill struggle and suffered from panic attacks on a daily basis. Lily had been recommended to me by a friend and I wanted to see whether she could help me. She offered me acupuncture treatments which I found very relaxing and at the end of the course of treatments, I was feeling much more stable, grounded and emotionally happy. Lily has played a huge supporting role for me over the sessions."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Bi-Polar Disorder, Insomnia & Period Pains

"I first came to Lily to seek relief for insomnia, period pains and to see if my serotonin and noradrenalin levels could be balanced with view to my condition (bi-polar disorder). I also wanted to discover if alternative therapies could help with my condition as opposed to medication.

I received acupuncture treatments with Lily and I experienced better sleep – it cured my insomnia. My period pain was reduced and I found improvements in energy levels, emotional state and in the balancing of the serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain which resulted in more balanced moods.

Lily has a fabulous personality that enables you to speak freely and openly about yourself and what you seek to remedy.

I would recommend acupuncture for the treatment of or to aid in depressive illness – I definitely saw a huge improvement!"

Miss M, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Mood Swings & Tiredness

"Thank you Lily for helping me with my anxiety, mood swings and tiredness. I have really enjoyed our treatments and consultations as you have always been very professional and always easy to talk to. Having acupuncture was surprisingly very effective, but the real surprise was in the effect of the ear seeds that you prescribed. Being able to use the seeds for acupressure at work and at home really helped me stay on the ball at work and gave me that extra calmness and energy I've always lacked. Thank you!"


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Emotional Stress

"I have been under emotional stress on and off for three to four years now. I have been coming to Lily for Acupuncture and have also received Acupressure treatments. On my first visit for Acupuncture, Lily made me feel calmer and have a more positive outlook and I felt that a lot of weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I can now cope a lot better with the emotions and not be afraid to show them and cry if necessary. I enjoy our chats - Lily has been a great strength to me over the past four months and has given me ideas on changes with diet (great stir fry ideas!), sleep and drinking plenty of water."

Bev, 41, Hemel Hempstead

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Emotional Flatness & Depression

"When I first started seeing Lily, I felt completely emotional, flat, and depressed. After the first session of Acupuncture I felt exhausted but could feel as if my layers were being pulled back to find out what was wrong and get it sorted. After a few more session I started to feel happier, more positive and more in control of my emotions.

Lily has taught me to relax, control and be aware of my stress levels. I now finally feel emotionally and physically ready to have a baby. I am a completely different person from the emotional and unhappy person I was when I first saw Lily.

Lily has influenced me to review all aspects of my life. I have changed my lifestyle, diet and expectations from life and myself. Thank you!! I feel fantastic!!!"

Anonymous, 31, Studham

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Digestive Problems & Bad Circulation

I was looking for treatments for digestive problems and bad circulation that I'd been getting for more than 25 years. Normal medicine did not help, and I like the philosophical underpinning of Chinese medicine.

My digestive problems and bad circulation have been successfully addressed with Chinese herbs and I feel much better. Lily is very conscientious and systematic in follow up, dedicated and caring."

Anonymous, Berkhamsted

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

"I've experienced problems with my stomach for a few years and was diagnosed with IBS. I'’d found it difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is that worsens the symptoms of IBS so when someone recommended I try acupuncture, I contacted Lily. I'’ve also had problems with my sinuses and nosebleeds for about 8 years so I decided to try acupuncture to see if improvements could also be made in this area.

My acupuncture treatments (together with Moxibustion) started off on a weekly basis and improvements were definitely seen with my stomach problems. In terms of my sinuses, I was told the problem was likely to be structural by my doctor so although this couldn'’t be treated as such, the nosebleeds stopped completely with Lily'’s treatments!

As well as the acupuncture, Lily also gave me suggestions to improve my lifestyle and diet and has taught me to relax more- which helps ease my IBS symptoms.

The treatments are performed very professionally and with a lot of care, and the environment in the room is very relaxed and peaceful. Overall, I would highly recommend Lily to anyone in terms of both her professional and personal skills. The whole experience is made relaxing and enjoyable by Lily as well as helping with your health issues. Thank you Lily!"

Miss E, 31, Harpenden

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

"I had read about Chinese medicine and after speaking with Lily and finding out that she specialised in my condition, I decided to try it for my IBS which I had been suffering from for 4 months.

Lily gave me Acupuncture and Moxibustion treatments for my condition and I experienced pain relief and a calming effect which also relieved the stress of my condition. The moxibustion proved to be very effective."

Mr J, 51

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Stress Related Stomach Pains, Nausea & Back Pain

"My stomach and digestive system problems have developed over the past four to five years in particular to do with stress. My back problems started from an accident at the age of thirteen which have become particularly bad over the past five to six years. Lily has treated me with Acupuncture, Ear Seed Acupressure and Herbal Medicine and I have seen a definite improvement in my stomach issues, particularly with respect to stopping the nausea that usually accompanies all my other symptoms. There has also been a distinct improvement in my moods and general stress levels which I think has helped greatly. The Acupuncture to help relieve my back pain has been stunningly effective!

From the start I have found Lily's attitude, procedures and literature to be of a very professional standard. Given my apprehension at receiving Acupuncture, I was amazed at how quickly I felt comfortable and relaxed during my first session. I have been very pleased with everything that I have seen to date and I feel that the service that I get is already well above average and carried out with a professional hand."

Anonymous, 25, Hertfordshire

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Severe Stomach Pain and Constipation

"I had suffered from severe stomach pain and constipation for two years before coming to see Lily for acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Lily has helped tremendously, particularly with the constipation. The stomach pain I suffered from is no longer as severe or as frequent. Lily has helped me beyond my expectations, providing dietary recommendations and suggesting other lifestyle changes which have helped me a lot.

I would highly recommend Lily to others interested in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine."

Anna, 71, Poland

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Painful Red Lesions

"I suffer with painful and unsightly raised red lesions on my fingers which has been happening for some time now, possibly for one year plus now. I was desperate to get this treated, no doctors seemed to have any idea what it was or how to treat it. I definitely saw good results with Chinese herbs. Lily has good knowledge and a good manner - she is patient, very friendly, professional, helpful and caring too."


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Posted by Lily Lai.
Facial Rejuvenation

"I had read about acupuncture and was keen to try a natural approach to improving my skin. I wanted facial rejuvenation and wanted acupuncture to treat expression lines and to brighten complexion. I chose Lily because her website was informative and professional and she had the relevant training/qualifications.

The treatments were very relaxing. I found I looked forward to the sessions and that they were really de-stressing. I found my skin was brighter and glowed after some sessions. The facial acupressure massage is amazing!"

Miss K, 32, Tring

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Posted by Lily Lai.
Skin, Sleep & Digestive Problems

"I came to Lily for my skin problems as well as some sleep and digestive problems. I had had acupuncture treatments in the past and found them very helpful. The acupuncture and acupressure treatments with Lily were incredibly relaxing. They were of great benefit to my skin in improving the redness, excessive pigmentation and oilyness. My sleep and my digestion also improved."

Mrs S, 49, Tring

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Posted by Lily Lai.

"For years, I had been referred back and forth across several dermatologists and specialists for a skin problem they eventually diagnosed as vitiligo, a whitening of the skin in several patches throughout my body. These patches had gotten worse over a recent period of stress and I wanted to try something natural that would help my symptoms but also help me feel less stressed. I was given Chinese herbs to boil which dramatically reduced the appearance of the white patches within 6 weeks and eventually returned the skin pigmentation to those areas! My stress levels are now much more manageable and I continue to have monthly consultations with Lily once a month. Thanks for all your help."


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Posted by Lily Lai.