Research opportunity for acupuncturists, physiotherapists and osteopaths!
Arthritis Research UK funded research on low back pain - an opportunity for acupuncturists, osteopaths and physiotherapists to contribute to a research study led by University of Southampton
Emma Harwood-Jones introduces hypnobirthing
This month we're fortunate to have a guest post by hypnobirthing practitioner Emma Harwood-Jones.
Easier Booking. More Appointments Available With Lily.
We're excited to announce additional appointments times to tackle our waiting list. As of the 5th October it's going to be easier to book an appointment with Lily. Find out about the new times at Speedwell Pharmacy.
MedicX is Now Speedwell Pharmacy
If you've been wondering where MedicX pharmacy has gone to, fear not. As of 21st September 2015, the pharmacy has been renamed Speedwell Pharmacy.
3rd August 2015: Acupuncture and healthcare insurance
Did you know that acupuncture treatments with Lily are covered by a number of private health insurance companies? Find out whether you may be able to claim your treatment costs through your health insurance provider.